On the rise

  • The plant-based category has gained more and more popularity over the past years. Today it has a 6% share of the global beverage market (approximately 556 billion litres). 
  • However, the demand is expected to grow globally at an accelerated rate: at least +2,7% yearly (compound annual growth rate). 
  • Asia Pacific is the biggest market, with 94% of the soy beverage market and 43% of beverages from rice, nuts, grains and seeds.
Happy boy holding glass plant-based drink blue pie-chart

A large potential – given the right price and taste

  • Of the people using plant-based beverages today (34% of all beverage consumers) the profile is slightly skewed towards young females (25-44 years) with high education and high income.
  • Potential users (51%) are the largest group. There lies a huge opportunity – if we serve them the right products… 
  • The ones who reject plant-based beverages altogether (15%) say they don’t like the taste. 
Hands holding plant-based drinks in glasses on blue background

Market value is consistently increasing

  • The global market value of plant-based beverages 2018 was 39.7 billion US dollars. By 2024 it’s expected to be 53.3 billion US dollars. How many of those will be yours?
  • The best part - we haven't reached a plateau yet; the segment is in fact accelerating. Plant-based foods – such as creamers, yoghurts, prepared foods – are also growing fast. 
Rice drink glass bowl blue graph

Non-flavoured is most popular

  • Most consumers buy plant-based beverages as milk replacement,  25% always, and 30% most of the time.
  • A majority (58%) buy non-flavoured products, this might be related to them having less additives. Children, however, choose flavoured half the time (50/50).
  • Of the flavoured beverages, soy, wheat and quinoa are the most popular today.
Hand holding cup plant-based flavoured drink blue icons

Health and sustainability are important drivers

  • 82% of consumers say a healthy lifestyle is important. Almost half (48%) of plant-based users choose plant-based beverages because of their health benefits. 
  • 75% say they need to do more for the environment.16% find plant-based beverages is a sustainable choice today. 
  • The trend moves from removing ingredients such as sugar or fat, towards adding ingredients such as vitamins, calcium or protein. 25% of Brazilian consumers say they would pay more for plant-based beverages with added benefits.
  • However, for all consumers, taste is hugely important. 
Woman looking back white icons plant-based 75 percent

Opportunity for both dairy and plant-based brands

  • Today most consumers (65%) in Europe, Central Asia and Americas favour plant-based beverages made by a dedicated plant-based brand. 
  • However, potential users are more accepting towards milk-brands also selling plant-based beverages (39% potential vs 30% users).
  • A brand selling both options would be seen as modern and innovative without being confusing or (most importantly) incoherent.
  • The vast majority is sold in 1 litre carton packages, but there is a shift towards smaller package sizes as well, especially in Europe.

* The facts in this article refer to Europe, Central Asia and Americas, if we don’t state otherwise.


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Unlocking plant-based opportunities

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Capture oat growth!

Download our quick guide to oat beverages for instant insight into how you can overcome oat challenges.

Best-practice lines for plant-based beverages

Best-practice line for oat beverages based on oat flakes or grains

For production of oat beverages from grains or flakes, this line includes wet-grinding and a highly controlled enzyme treatment and de-activation process to give the desired product flavour. Fibre separation, homogenization and a powerful high shear mixing optimize beverage properties; heat treatment ensures food safety.

Explore Best-practice lines for oats

Best-practice line for oat beverages based on oat flour

For production of oat beverages from flour, this line begins with powerful high shear mixing. Next comes a highly controlled enzyme treatment and de-activation process to give the desired end product flavour. Fibre separation, homogenization and powerful high shear mixing optimize beverage properties; heat treatment ensures food safety.

Explore Best-practice lines for oats

Best-practice line for oat beverages based on oat compound

For production of oat beverages from a compound, our powerful high shear mixer gives you full formulation control, allowing you to fine tune products to match consumers’ texture and taste preferences. Choose between two different heat treatment methods to ensure product safety.

Find out more

Best-practice line for traditional extracted soya beverages

Starting from whole or dehulled beans, this extraction line integrates grinding, fibre separation, and enzyme deactivation, ensuring a high protein yield and full control over product flavour – from beany to non-beany. After extraction, the base is homogenized for texture and heat treated for safety.

Explore Best-practice lines for soya

Best-practice line for soya - soya powder line

Starting from powders, this line offers excellent control over essential product properties like taste and texture. Intensive, high shear mixing disperses the powder, then efficiently dissolves and emulsifies the ingredients. Choose between two different heat treatment methods to ensure end product safety.

Explore Best-practice lines for soya

Best-practice line for whole bean soya beverages

A complete proven technical solution for whole bean soya beverages, the line includes whole soya extraction (grinding, trypsin inhibitor deactivation and fine grinding) and different process configurations (grinding, enzyme deactivation, fine grinding or grinding, enzyme deactivation, fibre separation, and okara fine grinding) to allow either complete or partial utilisation of okara. Post-extraction treatments create multiple different product formulations and optimises their properties.

PD leaflet best-practice line for whole bean soya beverages
Best-practice line for nuts

Best-practice line for nuts

Our high shear mixer gives you full control over emulsification, the main challenge of nut beverage production. Create a stable beverage and avoid ingredient separation. Since grinding is optional, the line is suitable for production from whole nuts or nut paste. Choose between two different heat treatment methods to ensure product safety.

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