
Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer unit 2000 A3

High capacity, multi-lane transfer and dipping of frozen ice cream stick and sandwich products by picking them up from the trays of a Tetra Pak® Extrusion Tunnel A3 and placing them in the wrapping lanes of a Tetra Pak® Multilane Wrapper A2.



Up to 43,200 products/hr



Ice cream sticks and sandwich products

dip and transfer unit 2000 A3
Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer unit 2000 A3

Efficient dipping unit for lowest total cost

  • Can be adapted easily to produce a broad range of products
  • Robust design and several smart features enable trouble-free operation
  • Consistent product quality and low operational cost thanks to high precision coating
Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer unit 2000 A3


Dipping divisions

Dipping divisions

Enable production of variety multipacks

The coating tank can be split into up to four sections, each one equipped with a pump and an agitator. This makes it possible to coat four different products, with or without inclusions, and thereby create variety packs. A typical series of coatings might be dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate, and milk chocolate with split almond inclusions.

Dipping control system

Dipping control system

Product accuracy and repeatability

Once set by the operator, the dipping speed, time and level are all automatically controlled by the recipe handling system. This ensures the correct amount of expensive ingredients such as chocolate are applied - no more no less – and that the process is perfectly repeatable.

Level control sensor

Ensures a steady chocolate supply

A sensor in the chocolate tank monitors the base level of coating matter and alerts the operator when it is time to re-feed the tank. This helps ensure both a steady supply and steady temperature, which keeps production on target.

Lay down system

Lay down system

Enhances food safety and wrapping accuracy

This servo driven system is designed to gently place the product in exactly the right position on the paper lane. In addition, it lays down the product in one position at a time, enabling the ‘no-product, no-wrap feature’ of our wrapping machines. The absence of contact with human hands also eliminates contamination risks.

Light curtain

Enhances operator safety and hygiene

Positioned between the two ends of the dipping sections, the light curtain acts as an invisible door. When the light panel is broke, the machine stops automatically. This enhances safety and hygiene without limiting visibility or requiring cleaning. Restart takes under 1 minute.

Dipping system

Dipping system

Flexibility of product coating

length and modular design of the dipping area means you can have 25 dipping stations in this unit. This makes it possible to produce ice cream products with lot of different coatings - chocolate, caramel, juice or other – individually or in combination.

Chocolate tank

Chocolate tank

Reduces giveaway

This is a complete self-contained unit for heating coating matter such as chocolate. Equipped with a water jacket, it keeps the coating matter at a steady temperature. Four pumps and agitators circulate the liquid and keep the dipping cup topped up, so exactly the right amount of chocolate is applied to each ice cream, with minimal giveaway.

Overlapping grippers

Overlapping grippers

Ensure very low product waste

Each gripper head is equipped with up to 12 grippers. The grippers’ profiles overlap, which means they can pick up a product even if it is not positioned in precisely the correct spot. They also pick up everything from the trays - no product escapes! Used in both pick up and lay down, this feature is unique to Tetra Pak®’s dip and transfer unit.


Long Dip module

Long Dip module

Ensures high product quality

When coating ice creams with juice, the challenge is to get a thick, even coating across the whole product. This is achieved with our optional add-on Long Dip module, which moves the product horizontally through several indexes in the dipping tank – ensuring it is submerged for the required amount of time.

Coating control

Coating control

Ensures the correct ratio between dry and liquid coating matter

A mass flow meter at the chocolate inlet measures the chocolate flow into an external mixing tank. Meanwhile, the dry stuff dosing unit measures the dry stuff feed (e.g. split almonds). Working in unison, they ensure the correct ratio of dry and liquid coating products in the mix. This gives an even distribution of coatings and saves money on expensive ingredients.

Extra tank

Extra tank

Maximizes equipment availability

When switching from one type of coating matter to another, it only takes one minute to exchange dipping tanks. Having an extra tank available saves waiting time for cleaning. It is especially valuable when producing ice cream coated with nuts, since no traces of a nut coated product may appear in a product without nuts.

Exchange parts

Exchange parts

Enables product versatility

An optional set of pick-up grippers, lamellas and lay down grippers makes it possible to go from e.g. production of ice cream sticks to sandwich, ball top cone or wafer cups, or from production of one size of product to another. Each set is optimized for a specific product. Pick-up heads for transferring to the conveyor for chocolate enrobing of sandwiches, ice cream slices, candy bars and bite size products are also available as options.

Dry coating function

Dry coating function

Makes additional products possible

This optional unit it used to produce ice cream sticks and ball top cones which have the dry coating on the outside of the chocolate, rather than mixed into it.

Best practice high capacity extrusion lines

ice cream processing line

High capacity extrusion lines for 43,200 sticks/hr

ice cream processing line

High capacity extrusion line for 43,200sandwiches/hr

Explore our handling range

Tetra Pak Dip and transfer unit 1800 M2

Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer unit 1800 M2

The Tetra Pak® Dip and transfer unit 1800 M2 is a medium capacity, multilane transfer and dipping equipment for ice cream production

Tetra Pak Dip and Transfer unit A2

Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer unit A2

Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer units are suitable for the transfer of frozen ice cream stick novelties, sandwich products, cones and wafer cups from trays.

Girl painting ice cream with crayons

Ice cream

Tetra Pak serves as your one-stop shop for ice cream production, providing all the expertise and equipment you need to make fast-changing market demands.

Tray with ice cream prototypes

Product Development Centre, Ice Cream Solutions

At the Ice cream Product Development Centre in Aarhus you can experiment with the latest processing solutions for ice cream and try new flavours, shapes, styles

Ice cream nuts

Recipe and ingredients supply for ice cream

Tetra Pak Ingredients is a one-stop shop for a wide variety of products for ice cream processing and packaging including product ideas and recipe formulation.

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