Why Tetra Pak® cartons

Renewable Materials

On average, 70% of a Tetra Pak carton is comprised of plant-based renewable materials.


Renewable materials are better for the environment because they can be replenished over time and enable a move away from fossil fuel-based materials.


The main component of all Tetra Pak cartons is paperboard from Forest Stewardship Council® - (FSC®)-certified forests and other controlled sources. This means the wood fiber in our paperboard comes from forests independently certified as being managed in accordance with the principles of sustainable forest management.


Some brands choose to incorporate our paper-based straws as well as caps and coatings made from sugarcane-based polymers to further increase the renewable content of the packaging.  

Why Tetra Pak® cartons

Our customers share our strong commitment to sustainability

As a global leader in sustainable packaging, we’re committed to providing food and beverage brands with unique packaging that’s shelf-stable and environmentally friendly to stock in stores.


See why one customer chose to work with Tetra Pak:


“There are a number of ways for food and beverage brands to become more sustainable. In our (Revl Fruits’) case, the low-hanging fruit was packaging. We opted to turn away from heavy glass or virgin plastic towards primarily plant-based and recyclable Tetra Pak cartons.” - Christina Zwicky, Head of Revl Fruits and Ocean Spray’s innovation ecosystem.

Why Tetra Pak® cartons

Long shelf life, less food waste

One-third of all food produced globally is lost or wasted and accounts for 8% of greenhouse gas emissions. This amounts to 1.3 billion tons per year, with an estimated value of nearly $1 trillion USD.


Shelf-stable Tetra Pak cartons are designed to prolong shelf life of products without the need for additives, preservatives, or refrigeration.


Whether you’re seeking options to minimize reliance on refrigerated storage or you are hoping to cut shrinkage due to expiration dates, products in Tetra Pak® aseptic cartons offer a solution. 

Why Tetra Pak® cartons

Tetra Pak is committed to carton recycling

Yes, Tetra Pak cartons are recyclable. In fact, access to residential carton recycling in the U.S. has grown nearly 240% since 2009. 


In both the U.S. and Canada, food and beverage cartons are classified as a mainstream recyclable material meaning they are accepted in more than 60% of household recycling programs and they can carry recycling logo without qualification. 


Recycling Tetra Pak cartons helps to protect natural resources, reduce climate impact and contribute to communities. 


Learn more about carton recycling.

Why Tetra Pak® cartons

Tetra Pak is committed to carton recycling

Yes, Tetra Pak cartons are recyclable. In fact, access to residential carton recycling in the U.S. has grown nearly 240% since 2009. 


In both the U.S. and Canada, food and beverage cartons are classified as a mainstream recyclable material meaning they are accepted in more than 60% of household recycling programs and they can carry recycling logo without qualification. 


Recycling Tetra Pak cartons helps to protect natural resources, reduce climate impact and contribute to communities. 


Learn more about carton recycling.

Why Tetra Pak® cartons

Investing for the future

Tetra Pak’s ambition is to create “the world’s most sustainable food package," solely made from responsibly sourced renewable or recycled materials, fully recyclable and carbon neutral. In 2021 the company committed to invest 100 million euros annually for five to ten years to support this goal.

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