​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Tetra Pak and FOSS: A winning partnership

​Following a long and successful history of working together, Tetra Pak and FOSS decided to enter into a unique and promising partnership. The result is a true in-line solution for milk standardization: Tetra Pak® Standardization unit with continuous product control, providing the only method for the continuous accurate measurement and control of protein.

Dairy producers can now benefit from the only solution for in-line product measurement and the only one with guaranteed ratio performance for continuous fast and accurate data – and reaction to that data.

How does it work? We’ve taken our versatile and precise Tetra Pak® Standardization unit and – through our automation hardware and proprietary software algorithm – seamlessly integrated FOSS ProFoss 2™ in-line analyser. The result is the most optimal, streamlined solution for product and fat control.

In order to get a fuller picture, we talked to two key individuals behind this unique cooperation: Helen Sellar, Product Manager, Tetra Pak (HS); and Michael Sievers, International Business Manager Process, Global Key Account Manager Dairy, FOSS (MS).

What prompted this collaboration between the industry leaders in milk standardization and milk analysis?

HS: The fact that our standardization unit is so well integrated with the FOSS analyser means the way they work together is simply unmatched in the industry. The result of this collaboration provides our customers with the best ROI in the business.

MS: Over the last few years, the demand for the industry to standardize not only fat, but also protein or SNF (solids-non-fat), has increased significantly. As market leaders, both FOSS and Tetra Pak recognized that a partnership would be mutually beneficial, resulting in the industry’s best milk standardization solution for formulated milk products that require more than just fat control.

Do you see this partnership as a way of responding to changing consumer demands and market trends?

HS: Absolutely. Growing consumer demand for protein-enriched products means customers can increasingly benefit from accurate protein control. And since protein and fat provide the highest value for producers, more precise standardization can significantly boost profits.

MS: Additionally, the implementation of industry 4.0 will demand more in-line sensors that can process data in real time.

What are the benefits of a true in-line solution?

HS: Consistency and product quality through accurate, frequent data delivery. Automation hardware and software algorithms receive data every 7 seconds, reacting and adjusting in real time. The benefits for customers, especially producers of cheese and powder, are concrete: significantly better standardization performance for fat-to-protein ratios, uniform product quality, improved sustainability and less downtime due to the elimination of a more complex flow system.

MS:  A bypass (not in-line) solution or manual sampling will always face the issue of sampling uncertainty and questions of accurate measurement. For example, is the bypass representative of the flow in the main pipe? What we are offering is a true in-line solution providing consistent and reliable quality control and accuracy, using the industry standard method, which improves product quality and efficiency through the elimination of human error.

Contact us to learn more about Tetra Pak® Standardization unit with continuous product control, a true in-line solution for efficiency and product quality.

Helen Sellar, product manager at Tetra Pak

Helen Sellar

Product Manager, Tetra Pak

Michael Sievers, International Business Manager Process, Global Key Account Manager Dairy, FOSS

Michael Sievers

International Business Manager Process, Global Key Account Manager Dairy, FOSS

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