A quick overview of Training Services

Seeking ways to keep staff engaged?

Tetra Pak® Training Services is a suite of services designed to increase employee engagement and improve your operation’s performance. Offerings are led by dedicated Tetra Pak instructors and field experts who provide your staff with the knowledge and guidance they need to perform at their best.


Watch the video and also download the one-pager to see how Tetra Pak Training Services provides the key for you to unlock your staff’s potential and optimise your plant’s performance.  

A quick overview of Training Services

Seeking ways to keep staff engaged?

Tetra Pak® Training Services is a suite of services designed to increase employee engagement and improve your operation’s performance. Offerings are led by dedicated Tetra Pak instructors and field experts who provide your staff with the knowledge and guidance they need to perform at their best.


Watch the video and also download the one-pager to see how Tetra Pak Training Services provides the key for you to unlock your staff’s potential and optimise your plant’s performance.  

Our offerings

man sitting down and training three people

Competence development programmes

Competence development programmes

Ensure you have the right level of competence throughout your plant with Tetra Pak’s Competence development programmes. These customised programmes provide coaching for all staff – from operators to managers – to improve performance across your plant. The programmes follow the Assess-Train-Certify concept, where attendees are assessed on the current knowledge, trained to build on that knowledge and then evaluated to ensure they have a thorough understanding of the subject matter.

man and woman looking at machine

Skills assessment

Skills assessment

The Training Services team assesses the competence of your operators to identify areas they should focus on to improve production performance. Following the assessment, the team develops a tailored training proposal to implement to enhance knowledge.

man training three people



Verifies that your staff can operate a specific machine safely and correctly. Certification can be carried out on the filling or distribution areas of the filling line. The evaluation process involves an online theoretical test and on-site practical skills assessment, both under the supervision of Tetra Pak experts.

woman looking at machine

Connected Workforce

Connected Workforce

Connected Workforce meets the problem-solving needs of a fast-paced Industry 4.0 plant. It delivers the real-time skills management, collaboration across sites and on-the-go tutorials you need so that operators have the right information at the right time.

training services

Global training catalogue

Tetra Pak® Training Services give your people knowledge and inspiration to be the best at what they do, improving operational performance and increasing employee engagement, to drive sustainable growth of your business.

Training tailored to your needs

With your staff’s knowledge caps identified, the team develops a customised competence development plan. Staff can be trained on-site or at one of Tetra Pak’s training centres.

Operations training

Operations training

A mix of theoretical and practical lessons give your staff the skills to operate your equipment safely and efficiently.

Maintenance training

Maintenance training

These courses provide your staff with the theoretical and practical knowledge of equipment parts and functions needed to maintain equipment.

Automation training

Automation training

Gives staff the skills to understand the essentials of automation and operate Tetra Pak automation systems, such as Tetra Pak® Plant Master and others.

Food Technology training

Food Technology training

To improve performance and quality, staff learn how to better understand what happens to products when being processed in Tetra Pak equipment.

Food Safety & Quality training

Food Safety & Quality training

To reach quality levels and reduce deviation costs, these food safety & quality assurance courses build and maintain your staff’s skills.

Technical Training Center

Tetra Pak aims to grow the capacity of its field force, enhance the customer experience and build competency through workforce development.


The center facilitates robust in-person and virtual training across various topics and equipment lines, including operations, maintenance and quality control, covering everything from key components to processing and packaging to automation.


The training facility provides a comfortable atmosphere for all participants. Classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and instructors who dedicate their full attention to participants’ needs.

Technical Training Center

Tetra Pak aims to grow the capacity of its field force, enhance the customer experience and build competency through workforce development.


The center facilitates robust in-person and virtual training across various topics and equipment lines, including operations, maintenance and quality control, covering everything from key components to processing and packaging to automation.


The training facility provides a comfortable atmosphere for all participants. Classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and instructors who dedicate their full attention to participants’ needs.

Discover more solutions and services

service agreements graphic

Service agreements

Tetra Pak® Services Solutions’ extensive service portfolio offers three tailored service agreements based on your specific operational needs and objectives. Discover how Tetra Pak® Plant Care, Plant Perform, and Plant Secure can help optimise your maintenance programs, reduce waste and lower costs.

man pointing at screen

Expert services

Identify new opportunities to improve your plant’s performance and productivity, while also boosting staff engagement.

two people shaking hands

Installation services

Improve your plant’s performance and reliability, optimise costs and ensure food safety through this range of proactive services, including remote support.

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