Tetra Pak at Juice Summit 2024

We were delighted to join our fellow juice industry experts in discussions about the future of the sector at Juice Summit 2024, held from 16–17 October in Antwerp, Belgium. The conference addressed key themes facing the industry, including consumer and market trends, research-driven future strategies, and how the juice business can thrive in a circular economy.

Juice and nectar

Integrated solutions to drive your innovation

The key to great juice is capturing the natural, delicious aroma of the fruit – at the same time, manufacturers need to cater to consumers’ demand for healthier alternatives. Our solutions across processing, packaging and product development can help address all your juice & nectar needs.

Topics that are buzzing in the industry

Challenges and opportunities in the juice and nectar industry

Sugar, we need to talk​

Sugar has been high on the agenda for consumers for years. How can your products meet the modern consumer’s needs?

Make money – smart production

Are rising ingredients costs, general inflation and consumer trends making things more challenging? In times like these, it’s essential to squeeze every last drop of efficiency out of your juice production.

A perfect package for every juice drink

Consumers drink juices from morning through to evening. Every occasion needs its own package, and we have the range of packages to cover every moment.

White paper

Meeting the sugar-reduction challenge in fruit juices

The juice industry has long wrestled with the challenge of reducing the sugar level of juice products, while maintaining quality and consumer appeal. Our new approach to this problem reduces sugar through controlled fermentation, followed by removal of the yeast and alcohol. The resulting zero-sugar juice can then be blended with ordinary juice to achieve any level of sugar reduction desired. The concept has been proven in technical and consumer tests, and offers you a broad opportunity to create an entirely new product category – reduced-sugar juices and drinks. Our new white paper describes processing solutions for fermentation, yeast removal and dealcoholisation, as well as final blending.

Packaging for juice and nectar

Ambient package portfolio

Aseptic packages

Aseptic packaging enables you to keep your juice, nectar and still drinks safe for longer, without the need for preservatives and refrigeration. Choose between seven different packaging systems.

Three cartons and snow icon

Chilled packages

Chilled packaging helps you keep your juice, nectar and soft drinks fresh and is ideal for chilled distribution and storage. Choose between three different packaging systems.

Explore juice, nectar and still drink processing equipment

Juice, nectar and still drink processing is a meticulous endeavor, and the choice of equipment is critical in the process. Our specialized equipment offers you flexibility and a modular approach to manufacture all beverages. Discover how our carefully designed juice, nectar and still drink processing equipment can elevate your production process and help achieve quality beverages.

Tetra Pak Homogenizer

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