Smoother texture, higher yield 

The rising interest in cultured, concentrated dairy foods shines a spotlight on membrane filtration technology. The gentle membrane filtration process helps to ensure that the product contains the desired level of protein.

Those seeking production flexibility can use a membrane filtration unit for a diverse range of product recipes.


Maximise product yield

Membrane filtration concentrates protein and fat content in fermented products by removing water, dissolved salts, lactose and acids.

Optimise mouthfeel and texture

Membrane filtration is a recommended method for concentrating proteins in cultured foods creating a natural viscosity.

Uses and technologies

Fermented yoghurt in a bowl with blueberries and raspberries

Protein concentration

The right content for each product

Protein is king in today’s fermented dairy products. The range of protein-rich varieties on supermarket shelves grows larger by the year – from traditional yoghurt products like skyr, kefir, quark and laban to chilled and ambient yoghurt drinks and innovative cooking ingredients. Ultrafiltration is a favoured way to produce these and similar products as it offers dairies and food processors the ability to calibrate exactly the amount of protein they desire in the product. The gentle, low-impact ultrafiltration process also optimises product yield because it preserves more protein in the mix compared to processes like centrifugal separation that apply stronger force.

Ultrafiltration unit from Tetra Pak

Ideal for protein separation


Ultrafiltration is used for concentrating large molecules, notably protein, in whole or skim milk fermented product mixes. It can produce a wide range of fermented products, including Greek-style yoghurt, skyr, kefir, quark and crème fraiche. It can also process yoghurt drinks and cooking ingredients. Ultrafiltration membrane pores are relatively large and the pressure applied to the product during the filtration process is relatively low. Mineral salts, lactose, organic acids and smaller peptides pass through as permeate. Proteins, fats and polysaccharides remain in the product as retentate. This low-impact process makes it possible to achieve the desired protein level while preserving product integrity better than a more robust centrifugal process.

Relevant equipment

Membrane types

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Membrane types and applications​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Membrane types and applications​

The heart in any membrane filtration process is the membrane itself, and choosing the best membrane for a given process is often a complex task.

Man using membrane installation tool

Membrane tools

Membrane tools

We offer a number of handy and easy-to-use systems and tools for installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of your filtration system.

Multi pilot unit spiral wound 60 bar

Rental pilot units

Rental pilot units

We offer different types of easy-to-use pilot units for rental. All the various dairy filtration pro­cesses can be tested by means of our different types.

Tetra Pak Ultrafiltration unit SW

Tetra Pak® Ultrafiltration unit SW

Tetra Pak® Ultrafiltration unit SW

Concentrates fermented products to achieve the desired composition and texture.

Plate and frame ultrafiltration unit

Tetra Pak® Plate and frame ultrafiltration unit

Tetra Pak® Plate and frame ultrafiltration unit

Concentrates a yoghurt or a fermented cream cheese to achieve the desired composition and texture.