Los fanáticos del helado de hoy en día quieren más. Más sabores, más lujo, más emoción. ¿Qué significa esto para usted como productor de helado?
Innovación inspirada: así es como puede satisfacer la demanda de nuevas sensaciones de los consumidores.
Los fanáticos del helado de hoy en día quieren más. Más sabores, más lujo, más emoción. ¿Qué significa esto para usted como productor de helado?
Innovación inspirada: así es como puede satisfacer la demanda de nuevas sensaciones de los consumidores.
Inyección continua y exacta de inclusiones en helado
- Producción de inclusiones: 15 a 1200 litros/hora
- Flujo de producto: 1000 a 10 000 litros/hora
- Tamaño máximo de las inclusiones: 32 mm
Maneja una amplia variedad de inclusiones —trozos de fruta, frutos secos, galletitas, gomitas de vino, canela y más— que se pueden inyectar en helado u otros alimentos, como manteca de maní, mayonesa o yogur.
Stainless steel hopper
The simple, stainless steel hopper has a low loading height and 45° corners for good cleanability. The agitator, outlet pipe and patented star-shaped outlet secure an even flow of inclusions. The agitator does not oscillate – it rotates, which brings it closer to the auger and minimises the risk of blockage.
Wide range of augers
A wide selection of augers are available, including designs with various pitch, core diameter and increasing pitch. Every auger is equipped with an ID chip for fast recognition to ensure that the optimal settings are used.
Feed pump
The user-friendly and energy-efficient feed pump is easy to disassemble for cleaning – it consists of four exchangeable parts. There is no piston. Instead, the lamellas rotate inside the rotor, and the dynamic speed control sensors automatically adjust to the lowest possible speed. This minimises wear on lamellas, compensates for funnel build-up and prevents overflow of accumulated ice cream.
Automatic regulation
Thanks to the digital load cells, there is no need to calibrate the dosing manually. The doser has a self-learning algorithm to secure an optimal dosing process.
Set point accuracy
The loss-in-weight control system in combination with the correct auger enable high dosing accuracy. The doser returns to your set point quickly after disturbances or downtime and thanks to the low deviation (typically less than 3%), your set point can stay very close to your target value. This lets you reduce waste, avoid product giveaway – and save money.
Operator safety
The hopper grid is designed according to the latest safety standards to secure operator safety. The holes in the grid are large enough for ingredients to be loaded, but narrow enough to protect operators. Furthermore, sensors add protection near unsafe areas.
HMI interface
The high level of automation eases the workday for operators and makes production output less dependent on skills of individual operators. The dashboard of the intuitive HMI shows the most important production parameters and the Time to Refill feature helps operators plan their work.