The market for food supplements and nutrition is booming and will continue to do so, driven by a resourceful ageing population and health-conscious younger generations in parallel. There’s plenty of room for innovations – especially for protein-enriched ready-to-go drinks.

Mother and child in a pool and category data, 12.5 billion litres, 3.9% CAGR

A growing category...

The global volume for the Food Supplement & Nutrition category was 12.1 billion litres in 20231, and it is predicted to grow by 3.9% (CAGR) between 2024 and 2027. USA is the biggest market in terms of volume (5.3 billion litres), followed by China (3.1 billion litres). Vietnam is expected to grow fastest (7.3% CAGR).

Tetra Prisma Aseptic-carton at poolside, data, 6.4-13.6 euro per litre

...with healthy margins

The category offers high margins for both manufacturers and retailers, and generates a high price per litre (€6.40–€13.60 depending on the subcategory)2. This is considerably higher than traditional categories such as dairy and juice, where the price per litre is €1.06–€1.692

People running, data  54%

Prevention is better than cure

Health has become more important for consumers than ever. 54% of consumers in our study3 say that they are more conscious and proactive about their health. Older consumers (55+) are especially likely to take a preventive approach (75% agree), but younger consumers (18-24) also agree (57%)4. And as functional beverages have become more mainstream, ready-to-drink products are growing faster than powder, driven by convenience and on-the-go lifestyles.

Powder, no. 1 text

Protein is the undefeated champion

When it comes to functional ingredients, consumers globally are most interested in protein5. It has definitely found target audiences outside the sports environment. People associate3 protein with general health & wellness at all stages of life, increased muscle mass and improved energy levels. Protein is also associated with weight management, which is the number one health concern. Improved energy is associated with both physical and mental wellbeing – people want to feel good from the inside out.

Senior man, data, 31%

Larger audiences, more resources

One demographic group that is constantly growing is seniors (+60). Today, 31% of them6 actively look for products and services that help them live a long, healthy life. And they can afford it, as their disposable income has grown as well7. However, Gen Z consumers and Millennials are even more likely to use fortified food and beverages to ensure their protein intake4 – and they are important trend-setters8.

The chance is here, the time is now

According to our research9, consumers find carton packages more environmentally sound than glass or plastic bottles (41% carton vs 37% glass, 8% plastic). If you can offer a great product in a package that can boast positive sustainability credentials, you will attract consumers that care about the environment as well as their own health. And given the fact that 32% of beverages already feature health claims10, most of them protein claims, the time to do it is now. Don’t you think?

Tetra Prisma Aseptic carton, data 41%

Find out more

Sports women with protein drink in Tetra Prisma Aseptic carton

Food Supplement & Nutrition

Food Supplement & Nutrition

Food Supplement & Nutrition is a growing, high-margin category including products such as protein, sports, and medical products.

Ingredients: powder, seeds, and beans

Ingredients in focus

Ingredients in focus

So, which ingredients are truly beneficial for your consumers, and poised to drive growth in coming years in the Food Supplement & Nutrition category?

Man with healthy drink in Tetra Prisma Aseptic carton

Good feeling, great mouthfeel

Good feeling, great mouthfeel

What’s the optimal mouthfeel for products in the growing Food Supplement & Nutrition category, and how can you achieve it, and offer consumer benefits?

Grandma and family

Protein is for everyone

Protein is for everyone

Protein plays numerous vital roles in the body. It aids in repairing and constructing tissues, facilitates metabolic reactions, regulates bodily functions.

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1) Global Data 2024 Ad Hoc research. Fully Researched Markets: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam.
2) Global Data 2023 Ad Hoc research
3) FMGC Gurus Custom Survey “Active Nutrition”, Aug 2023 (Nigeria, South Africa, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, UK)
4) Innova Trends Survey 2024 (Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Spain, UK, US)
5) Innova Health & Nutrition Survey 2023 (Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Spain, UK, US)
6) Roper Reports Worldwide 2015
7) Euromonitor, A.T. Kearney analysis; *Ageing – Understanding the global consumer ‘super’ trend Who are the seniors? 2015, Mintel ,**Euromonitor
8) Sustainable Packaging Trends for 2015: All About Millennials + Understanding How Millennials View Food & Nutrition, BuzzBack Webinar, 2015
9) Tetra Pak - Sustainable Packaging Research 2023
10) Innova Database. Notes: 2023 YTD = Jan 2023 – June 2023