Fresh cheese varieties

Fresh cheeses such as cottage cheese, white cheese, and tvarog and quark are bought and loved by consumers all over the world, and their popularity looks set to continue to grow. Whatever your production challenges with these varieties, our best-practice lines offer cutting-edge technology, flexibility, and efficiency to ensure an optimised fresh cheese production process.

Fresh cheese production and categories

Sandwich with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese

The production challenge with cottage cheese – a creamy, granular fresh cheese with a mild flavour – is to achieve an approximately even granule size. The curd is fragile and has to be treated gently; it is therefore only ‘cut’ once into approximately 6 x 6 mm cubes, before being paddled for about eight hours to release the whey and give the cheese its characteristic granular consistency. We offer the equipment you need to produce cottage cheese gently and successfully, and our production method employs enclosed cheese vats, a controlled environment that ensures a higher yield.

White cheese

White cheese

Our best-practice lines for white cheese (feta-type cheese) cover two different technologies: Ultrafiltration and recombination of ingredients. Ultrafiltration is a way of continuously concentrating milk, where the product is pushed through filters at high pressure, while recombination is an alternative to using fresh milk where the ingredients – milk powder, sources of fat and other ingredients – are recombined using a high shear mixer. We have cutting-edge expertise and state-of-the-art technologies for both methods, and our portfolio includes dedicated lines for making BAF and GDL white cheese.

tvarog cheese

Tvarog cheese

Given its many areas of use and versatility, it is no surprise that Tvarog – a natural cheese with a fresh taste and good nutritional properties – comes in different textures. The main difference between producing formed or crumbled tvarog is the process in the vat – the curd is cooled off for crumbled tvarog, whereas when making formed Tvarog, the curd should be sticky, so there is no cooling. Our best-practice lines for Tvarog cheese let you produce Tvarog of just the quality you want, and our expertise helps you fine-tune and tailor these lines to your operations. The best-practice lines for crumbled tvarog are also easy to reconfigure, so you can start small and expand later.

Equipment and processing lines for white cheese (feta type cheese)

Our best-practice lines for white cheese production (feta-type cheese) cover two different technologies: Ultrafiltration and recombination of ingredients.


Ultrafiltration is a way of continuously concentrating milk. The product is pushed through filters at high pressure. This gives a concentrated volume which is typically 5 times less than the milk volume. The main advantage with ultrafiltration is the high product yield. Casein, fat and whey proteins are retained in the cheese.


Recombination is an alternative to using fresh milk. The ingredients – milk powder, sources of fat and other ingredients – are recombined using a high shear mixer.

Once the cheese milk is prepared, the product is pasteurized, homogenized and acidified. Rennet is added in line at the filling machine. White cheese is filled into the package as liquid and coagulates inside the package.

Tetra Pak® UF system P  ultrafiltration equipment

Cheese insights

Different types of cheese

Different types of cheese

Cheese varieties can be classified in many different ways based on the water content, colour, fat content, presence of moulds, region or country of origin.

Cheese and question mark - cheese glossary

Cheesemaking glossary

Glossary for the complete cheesemaking process; curd making, aging, cheese starter culture, cooking, homogenization, salting, ripening and more.


Cheese technology guide

The Cheese technology guide is an easy to use resource for industrial cheesemaking. It provides a helpful overview of the bacis productions processes.

Cheese categories

Cheese wheel gouda

Semi-hard cheese processing

Semi-hard cheese processing

Our technologies and semi-hard cheese processing knowledge can help you achieve a product of uniform quality, with consistent weight and moisture levels.

Mozzarella cheese on pizza

Pasta Filata cheese production equipment

Pasta Filata cheese production equipment

The key to your pasta filata cheese production is getting the functionality right. Our equipment is designed to limit the influences of variables.

Spreadable cheese on bread

Cream cheese production and making

Cream cheese production and making

With Tetra Paks' cream cheese production solutions, food manufacturers have the ability to produce a product that is healthy, tasty and convenient.

Cheddar cheese

Cheddar production - reliable equipment

Cheddar production - reliable equipment

Our cheddar production lines give you all the reliability and efficiency you need, while our sophisticated technology also deliver a qualitative product..

Whey Powder

Whey processing and production

Whey processing and production

Tetra Pak supports customers with expertise and equipment in whey processing, such as protein-extraction fractionation evaporation, drying, and powder handling

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