Tvarog cheese

Tvarog cheese is a natural, healthy, and versatile fresh cheese that can be used in cooking, consumed as is, or enjoyed as an on-the-go snack. Today, it is particularly popular in Eastern Europe, but given its nutritional and taste qualities, it has all the makings of a worldwide hit. Our best-practice lines are optimised for the production of both formed and crumbled tvarog cheese and deliver stable, consistent quality and the highest level of food safety alongside flexibility.

Given its many areas of use, it is no surprise that tvarog comes in different textures. The main difference between producing formed or crumbled tvarog is the process in the vat – the curd is cooled off for crumbled tvarog. When making formed tvarog, the curd should be sticky. Therefore, there is no cooling. In contrast, the process for crumbled tvarog aims to make the curd dry and crumbly. This is achieved by first draining the whey from the vat. The whey is then cooled down and pumped back to the vat. As a final step, the curd/whey mixture is transported to a whey drainer via tubular coolers. By cooling to about ten degrees, the curd stays crumbly.

Our best-practice lines for tvarog cheese let you produce tvarog of just the quality you want. Our expertise help you fine-tune and tailor the lines to your operations. They also provide top level food safety and high flexibility – the best-practice lines for crumbled tvarog are easy to reconfigure, so you can start small and expand later.

Bread with tvarog cheese

Processing lines for tvarog cheese

Best-practice line for crumbled tvarog cheese

The Tvarog quality you want, every time
The best-practice line for crumbled Tvarog cheese is built upon Tetra Pak’s expertise, ensuring a repeatable product quality with best-in-class levels of food safety. It is always optimised for every customer’s specific requirements and highly flexible – it is easy to expand or switch to new recipes.

Best-practice lines for tvarog cheese

Best-practice line for formed tvarog cheese

The Tvarog quality you want, every time
The best-practice line for formed Tvarog cheese is built upon Tetra Pak’s expertise, ensuring a repeatable product quality with best-in-class levels of food safety. It is a cost-efficient and sustainable solution with a small footprint – and it is always optimised for every customer’s specific requirements.

Best-practice lines for tvarog cheese

Best-practice line for crumbled tvarog cheese

The Tvarog quality you want, every time
The best-practice line for crumbled Tvarog cheese is built upon Tetra Pak’s expertise, ensuring a repeatable product quality with best-in-class levels of food safety. It is always optimised for every customer’s specific requirements and highly flexible – it is easy to expand or switch to new recipes.

Best-practice lines for tvarog cheese

Equipment for tvarog cheese

Tetra Pak Fresh Cheese Vat Paddles

Tetra Pak® Fresh Cheese Vat Paddles

Tetra Pak® Fresh Cheese Vat Paddles

The Tetra Pak® Fresh Cheese Vat Paddles is an advanced, highly automated piece of equipment used for the preparation of fresh cheese curd in fresh and grainy cheese production lines.

Curd cooler for cheese curd

Tetra Pak® Curd Cooler

Tetra Pak® Curd Cooler

The Tetra Pak® Curd Cooler is an advanced, highly automated piece of equipment used for cheese curd cooling in crumbled cheese lines.

Tetra Pak Drum Drainer 2

Tetra Pak® Drum Drainer 2

Tetra Pak® Drum Drainer 2

The Tetra Pak® Drum Drainer 2 is designed to ensure a gentle draining of washing- and cooling water from cottage cheese curd.

Tetra Pak crumbled cheese buffer

Tetra Pak® Crumbled Cheese Buffer

Tetra Pak® Crumbled Cheese Buffer

Tetra Pak® Crumbled Cheese Buffer for small batches for product diversity. The buffer increase flexibility level of your production line. Produce different flavoured products even from a single curd batch.

Tetra Pak. Cheese Former

Tetra Pak® Cheese Former

Tetra Pak® Cheese Former

Tetra Pak® Cheese Former introduce a new way of fresh cheese production where whey draining, cheese forming and final shaping takes place in one single unit.

Cheese insights

Different types of cheese

Different types of cheese

Different types of cheese

Cheese varieties can be classified in many different ways based on the water content, colour, fat content, presence of moulds, region or country of origin.

Cheese and question mark - cheese glossary

Cheesemaking glossary

Cheesemaking glossary

Glossary for the complete cheesemaking process; curd making, aging, cheese starter culture, cooking, homogenization, salting, ripening and more.


Cheese technology guide

Cheese technology guide

The Cheese technology guide is an easy to use resource for industrial cheesemaking. It provides a helpful overview of the bacis productions processes.

Milk whey cheese cottage cheese

Create more value from whey

Create more value from whey

Today’s advanced technology and manufacturing methods, the cheese industry’s focus on whey has increased over recent years.

Other fresh cheese categories

Fresh cheese Varieties

Fresh cheese production technology

Fresh cheese production applications for​ cheese varieties; cottage cheese, fresh cheese, ultra filtration and liquid filled cheeses, cream cheese and quark.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese, a creamy, granular fresh cheese with a mild flavour. It is drained, but not pressed, so some whey remains and the individual curds remain loose.

White cheese and olives

White cheese

Best-practice lines for white cheese. Efficient and profitable white cheese production, we provide you with all the expertise and know-how you need.

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