
Tetra Pak® Big Bag Sıvılaştırıcı ile birlikte sunulan Tetra Pak® Yüksek Hacimli Kesikli Mikser, eksiksiz bir kesikli üretim mikseridir. Topaklanmanın önüne geçen özel sıvılaştırma teknolojisine aşağıdaki çözümler dahildir:

  • Tetra Pak® Big Bag Sıvılaştırıcı
  • Toz ekstraksiyon ERS’si
  • Karıştırma tankı
  • Resirkülasyonlu karıştırma ve Brix izleme
  • Radyal püskürtmeli mikser


Tetra Pak® Big Bag Sıvılaştırıcı, hidrolik taşımaya dayalı kesikli üretim çözümleri için de sunulur:

  • Tetra Pak® Preparat Sistemi B-EXT
  • Tetra Pak® Mikser RJCI 4X


Tetra Pak® Yüksek Hacimli Kesikli Mikser’in üç farklı tank boyutu mevcuttur: 5.000, 10.000 ve 15.000 litre. Diğer tank boyutları talep üzerine üretilir.


Tipik uygulamalar:

Big Bag’lerde paketlenen şeker, dekstroz ve sitrik asit gibi tozlar.

Bir fabrikadaki Tetra Pak® Yüksek Hacimli Kesikli Mikser
Tetra Pak® High Volume Batch Mixer

Fast, clean, efficient big bag unloading and dissolving

  • Comes with the Tetra Pak® Big Bag Liquefier which enables easy big bag unloading and handles difficult, lump-prone powder ingredients without requiring any lump-breaking or grinding
  • Cuts batch time by up to 25% with fast intake and efficient dissolving and mixing of powders such as sugar, dextrose or citric acid up to a batch viscosity of 200 cP
  • Increases flexibility in recipe and production planning and reduces costs thanks to a low maintenance, single-pump solution
Tetra Pak® High Volume Batch Mixer


Powder control and extraction

Reduce waste and improve work environment

An integrated powder control and extraction system with water mist prevents the presence of combustible dust in the dumping area during big bag unloading. This means virtually zero product loss since the collected product powder gets washed out into the product. It also improves the work environment and means fewer ATEX requirements. 

Single-pump solution

Single-pump solution

Reduce costs with low maintenance

With fewer moving parts and no high-maintenance equipment, our liquefier helps to reduce costs and downtime for unplanned stops and maintenance significantly. Our solution requires just an annual change of the pump seal, taking only 30 minutes. This is in comparison to a mechanical lump breaker and screw conveyor, which require a maintenance procedure of approximately 8 hours, frequent checks, and manual cleaning of parts.

Fully wet cleanability

Fully wet cleanability

Increase flexibility in planning

All components can be fully cleaned during CIP since the entire solution is on the wet side. The interior is cleanable with no cleaning shadow, which reduces the risk of microbiological issues and cross-contamination. This also allows you to handle a variety of ingredients efficiently and flexibly, thanks to no carryover or residues of colours, flavours, or allergens into sequential batches. No manual cleaning is required.

Radial jet mixer technology

Radial jet mixer technology

No foaming, splashing or sinking

The radial jet mixer nozzle forces liquid at high speed into the tank and creates turbulence for agitation. This avoids the disadvantages of a mechanical agitator, which increases air incorporation​ to create foaming. Particles do not sink and collect at the bottom because of the turbulence created by the nozzle. It’s also reassuring to know that the nozzle does not create high shear. This helps to preserve product quality.

Injector technology

Injector technology

Immediate wetting at point of entry

Wetting of powders begins immediately in the injector. The unique design allows us to create a vacuum due to the Venturi effect, so ingredients are sucked into the mixer at the point of entry. When powder is poured into the top of a tank, undissolved powder can sink to the bottom and lead to clogging over time. Our innovative injector technology and radial jet mixing avoid clogging and enable fast in-feed of powder and liquids.


Tubular heat exchanger

Tubular heat exchanger

Reduce production time

For products or recipe steps requiring heating, the unit can be equipped with an optional tubular heat exchanger, which can reduce production time by dissolving the ingredient in water even faster.

Karıştırma ürünlerimizi keşfedin

Tetra Pak Preparat Sistemi B-EXT

Tetra Pak® Preparat Sistemi B-EXT

Tetra Pak® Preparat Sistemi B-EXT

Tetra Pak® Preparat Sistemi B-EXT, esnek modüler tasarımı sayesinde ürün kayıpları ve enerji kullanımının azaltılması konusunda pazar lideridir.

Tetra Pak Preparat Sistemi B-ES

Tetra Pak® Preparat Sistemi B-ES

Tetra Pak® Preparat Sistemi B-ES

Tetra Pak® Preparat Sistemi B-ES'in esnek modüler tasarımı, üretimin geliştirilmesi gerektiğinde yeni ürünleri ve kapasiteleri kaldırabilecek şekilde yapılmıştır.

Tetra Pak Mixer RJCI 4X

Tetra Pak® Mixer RJCI 4X

Tetra Pak® Mixer RJCI 4X

Tetra Pak® Mixer RJCI 4X, çok çeşitli içerik paketleme biçimleri için içecek endüstrisindeki bileşenlerin %100'ünü neredeyse hiç atık olmaksızın işler.

Tetra Pak Mikser RJCI B

Tetra Pak® Mikser RJCI B

Tetra Pak® Mikser RJCI B

Tetra Pak® Mikser RJCI B çok çeşitli malzemeleri etkili bir biçimde karıştırmak ve ön karışım, şurup veya içecek hazırlamak için idealdir.

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