自2014年重新推出该品牌以来,Oatly在全球范围内获得了越来越多的好评。 部分原因是时机正好——植物基产品的需求正在增长;而真正让Oatly脱颖而出的是该品牌在质量和燕麦基产品多样性方面所做的努力。 为了继续满足不断增长的市场需求,该企业正在提高其全球生产能力。
Oatly团队认为,自动化对于提高生产力而言必不可少,并且知道利乐在这一领域拥有广泛的专业知识。 在对各种自动化解决方案进行考察后,Oatly决定在所有生产现场采用利乐工厂大师。
工程与自动化副总裁Fredrik Gustavsson说:“我们非常感谢一直在为我们寻找最佳解决方案的利乐。 团队中的每个成员都非常投入,没有他们的帮助和奉献,我们不可能取得现在的成就。”
This line includes grinding and a highly controlled enzyme treatment and deactivation process to achieve the desired product flavour. Fibre separation, powerful high shear mixing and homogenisation optimise beverage properties. Heat treatment ensures food safety.
在Productxplorer中查看此生产线This line begins with powerful high shear mixing. Next comes a highly controlled enzyme treatment and deactivation process to achieve the desired product flavour. Fibre separation, powerful high shear mixing and homogenisation optimise beverage properties. Heat treatment ensures food safety.
在Productxplorer中查看此生产线This line begins with powerful high shear mixing to give you full formulation control, allowing you to fine tune products to match consumers’ texture and taste preferences. Choose between two different heat treatment methods to ensure food safety.