1962年,墨西哥启动了首个采用利乐包装的学生奶计划,目前仍在惠及数百万名儿童。 自1962年以来,我们一直支持我们的客户,并与政府、非政府组织、联合国以及国际发展援助机构合作,为项目的组织、实施、评估、环境教育提供技术支持,并通过分享全球最佳实践,在学校食品安全和质量控制方面提供建议。
Shaping lives and food systems
Find out how we're working towards transitioning to secure, sustainable and resilient food systems.
Towards a circular future
Find out what we're doing worldwide to improve the collection & recycling of beverage cartons.
Addressing the emissions
Find out what we're doing to contribute to lowering climate footprint across the entire value chain.
Restoring nature
Find out how we are using renewable resources to protect and restore nature.
Empowering people
Find out what we’re doing to protect and empower people by respecting human rights throughout the value chain.