利乐®连续式溶糖机可将结晶糖连续溶于水中,浓度高达65白利糖度,产量每小时7,000、15,000和25,000 升,用于生产非碳酸饮料、碳酸饮料、番茄酱、果酱、糖果产品、配方乳制品等。
液压输送解决方案最大程度地减少了投资和运营成本,并让您可以更灵活地在您的工厂布局中放置溶糖机。 最重要的是,我们的专利喷射器技术和高效的径向喷射混合器能够降低溶解温度,让您的能耗和成本降低25%。 在确保长期可持续性的同时,您可以保证糖度的准确性,提供精确的剂量。
Injector technology
Our patented injector enables hydraulic conveying, but it also reduces energy consumption overall. Due to the immediate wetting of sugar and the high turbulence as soon as the sugar touches the water stream. The unique design allows us to create a vacuum due to the Venturi effect, so sugar is sucked into the mixer at the point of entry. When sugar is poured into the top of a tank, undissolved sugar can sink to the bottom and lead to clogging over time. Our innovative injector and radial jet mixer technology avoid clogging and enable fast in-feed of sugar.
Radial jet mixer technology
Once the sugar has passed the injection point, it is conveyed hydraulically to the radial jet mixer nozzle, which provides enough turbulence for agitation inside the tank to keep the sugar crystals in abeyance and dissolve them efficiently. This avoids the disadvantages of a mechanical agitator, which increases air incorporation to create foaming. This allows us to lower the dissolving temperature and, thus, the energy consumption. Particles do not sink and collect at the bottom because of the turbulence created by the nozzle. It’s also reassuring to know that the nozzle does not create high shear. This helps to preserve product quality.
液压输送使您可以从各个溶糖机位置来定位加糖点。 这使您可以处理多种类型的进料设备。 直接从筒仓、大包配料站甚至进料斗中取糖也同样容易。
最重要的是,您可以选择将一个迭代过程中的多个进料点容纳在再循环生产线中。 您可将利乐®连续式溶糖机放置于独立区域,因此您不再需要担心溶糖机本身的ATEX要求,从而为您省却额外投资。
由于此设备不间断地直接在线测量糖浓度,因此您始终可以完全控制水与糖的比例。 不同于在后期阶段采取过度剂量和稀释的方法,这种解决方案可为您需要溶解的糖料维持最佳温度,因此节约能源和原料。 由于这是一个连续的过程,而且无需手动采样,因此还节省了操作人员的时间。
自动灌装使利乐®连续式溶糖机非常易于操作。 当糖溶液达到正确的白利糖度时,流量自动转移到目的罐。 当目标储罐灌满时,利乐®连续式溶糖机就会停止工作。 当糖溶液被泵走用于产品生产时,罐内液位下降,则操作人员可以再次启动利乐®连续式溶糖机。 或者,它可被设定为自动控制。