对我们的全球食品系统进行脱碳需要降低整个食品价值链的碳足迹。 因此,工作应集中在四个关键领域: 包装、运营、客户运营和原材料。
对抗气候变化的一个关键步骤是减少温室气体排放。 保持全球变暖在工业化前水平以上1.5°C,需要在所有领域深度、快速和持续减少温室气体排放。
为确保评估我们的价值链影响以及我们的净零计划得到科学基础目标倡议(SBTi)的认可,我们自豪地成为最初59家参加该倡议的公司之一。 这一成就现在为我们的战略目标奠定了基础。
Collaborating with our major base materials suppliers, responsible for 90% of our base materials4-related GHG emissions, we're actively helping to improve climate, biodiversity, and circular practices through the 'Join us in Protecting the Planet' initiative. Our goal: reduce supplier emissions by 50% by 2030 from 2019 levels. In our material usage, we're innovating beyond fossil fuels, exploring plant-based plastics and fiber-based barriers to replace conventional materials. Learn more here.
Beyond production and distribution, we’re also looking at ways to reduce our suppliers' transport footprint. For instance, innovations in alternative lightweight paper-based carton packages enable more efficient stacking and larger truckloads compared to alternatives – reducing the total distribution and operational footprint for our customers. For Tetra Recart, for example, up to 20% more units can be transported per truck.
On the production side, more than 120 energy-saving and emission-reduction projects have been facilitated at customer sites. They are resulting in a proposal for more than 1,000 equipment upgrade solutions, effectively helping to reduce carbon emissions at our customers' operations since 2016.
In 2022, the Sustainability Agile Development Programme explored ways to reduce water and product loss through recovery solutions. Now we are exploring ways to reduce GHG emissions on dairy ambient processing lines. In addition to looking at integrating full-scale decarbonisation in food plants.
We are accelerating the development and deployment of processing and filling solutions with 50% fewer emissions per unit of production5, which can reduce the impacts and emissions of our customers’ production processes. Read more here.
To understand the carbon footprint of our products throughout their lifecycle, life cycle assessments are conducted to identify areas for improvement and guide decisions related to material sourcing, production processes, and end-of-life management.
1科学减碳目标倡议组织(SBTi)成立于2015年,致力于帮助企业建立切实可行、行之有效的减碳目标,以此防止气候变化能带来的最恶劣后果,同时促进企业的可持续增长。 如果目标符合最新的气候科学和《巴黎协定》的目标——即将全球气温升幅限制在比工业化前水平高1.5°C,则该目标可视作“科学减碳目标”。 来源: https://www.tetrapak.com/about-tetra-pak/stories/net-zero-science-based-targets
2 '上游' 指的是企业或行业运营的早期阶段,如石油业中的勘探和生产(与下游相对)。 来源: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/upstream
3'下游' 指的是过程或系统的后部分: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/downstream
6范围1包括来自有或受控来源的直接排放。 范围2包括申报企业所消耗的外购电力、蒸汽、供暖和制冷产生的间接排放。 范围3包括企业价值链中发生的所有其他间接排放。
8范围1包括来自有或受控来源的直接排放。 范围2包括申报企业所消耗的外购电力、蒸汽、供暖和制冷产生的间接排放。 范围3包括企业价值链中发生的所有其他间接排放。