The iconic pioneer

Long synonymous with milk and dairy, Tetra Rex® has stood the test of time and morphed into countless sizes, formats, and openings suitable for an endless variety of chilled products and every at-home occasion imaginable. And it’s as innovative as it is flexible – from being the world’s first fully renewable package to offering best-in-class printing technology, it continues to stand in a class of its own.

The iconic pioneer

Long synonymous with milk and dairy, Tetra Rex® has stood the test of time and morphed into countless sizes, formats, and openings suitable for an endless variety of chilled products and every at-home occasion imaginable. And it’s as innovative as it is flexible – from being the world’s first fully renewable package to offering best-in-class printing technology, it continues to stand in a class of its own.

Why Tetra Rex

Tetra Rex carton and road sign icon

A broad and flexible portfolio

A broad and flexible portfolio

Ideal for a wide range of chilled products including dairy, plant-based beverages, still drinks and juices, Tetra Rex is available from portion size to family size, in four formats and 15 volumes, and with a variety of openings. There are also numerous options for filling machines and print quality, giving you even more flexibility to meet your chilled packaging needs.

Tetra Rex carton and leaf icon

In line with your sustainability ambitions

In line with your sustainability ambitions

Tetra Rex is the world’s first fully renewable package. It is available made solely from paperboard and plant-based polymers derived from sugarcane, and continues to set sustainability standards. Eligible to carry both the the Bonsucro 1 and the FSC™ 2 on-pack labels, the unbleached board of Tetra Pak® Craft further enhances the fully renewable message and further reduces your carbon footprint3 .

Tetra Rex carton and light bulb icon

End-to-end support

End-to-end support

Beyond packaging and filling machines, we can support and optimise all aspects of your production. We have complete best-practice lines and specific components for your specific production needs. We can supply business intelligence and analytics, and can support your innovation. And with our broad expertise in chilled food and beverages and our service offering, we can help improve performance, reduce waste and ensure food safety and quality.

Tetra Rex carton and people and globe icon

Collaboration for your success

Collaboration for your success

As a reliable global player with a local presence, we work in collaboration with you to ensure your success in all aspects of filling and packaging. We innovate alongside you to meet your specific demands for new or modified package features, as well as adapting filling machines, can develop new product categories to meet changing consumer needs, and conduct on-site training for your operators and technicians to support operational optimisation.

Filling machines

Tetra Pak TR/G7

Tetra Pak® TR/G7

Tetra Pak® TR/G7 is a low cost, easy-to-operate high performance filling machine for chilled distribution. Designed for for Tetra Rex® carton packages.

Tetra Pak TR/27 XH

Tetra Pak® TR/27

High performing filling machine producing Tetra Rex gable top cartons for chilled products with extended hygiene. Secure food safety with best-in-class hygiene

Tetra Pak TR/28 XH, Tetra Rex filling machine

Tetra Pak® TR/28

High-capacity filling machine producing Tetra Rex gable top cartons for chilled products with extended hygiene. Secure food safety with best-in-class hygiene.

Shapes, volumes and openings

Tetra Rex carton packages

Shapes and volumes

Tetra Rex is available in a broad and flexible range of four formats and 15 volumes, from portion size to family size, that help meet all your chilled packaging needs.

TwistCap and Easy opening on Tetra Rex cartons


Tetra Rex comes with a flexible choice of openings, from Easy Opening to the innovative TwistCap™ and numerous plant-based options, as well as a number of cap colours.

Explore our chilled package portfolio

Tetra Brik carton package

Tetra Brik® carton packages

This smart, convenient package for a variety of chilled products gives your consumers great functionality and optimal pouring in an efficient shape.

Tetra Top carton package

Tetra Top® carton packages

This unique and innovative premium package combines the functionality and performance of a bottle with the sustainability benefits of carton.

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1 The Bonsucro on-pack label certifies the responsible sourcing of sugarcane.

2 The FSC on-pack label certifies that the paperboard comes from well-managed forests and other controlled sources. 100% of Tetra Rex packages are FSC certified.

Up to 35% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to a standard Tetra Rex package. (Source: based on publicly available LCA from Braskem, November 2013).

This means creating cartons that are fully made of renewable or recycled materials, that are responsibly sourced, thereby helping to protect and restore our planet's climate, resources and biodiversity; contributing towards carbon-neutral production and distribution; are convenient and safe, therefore helping to enable a resilient food system; and are fully recyclable.